Friday, June 20, 2008

Lake Powell

We tagged along with Wanda's (My brother Andy's wife) family. They planned a camping trip to Powell and we will do just about anything to wake board on Powell. I neglected to get any pictures of us wake boarding or surfing because I was video taping it... Now I just have to figure out how to post video. I am hoping I can get Mark to give me a lesson and soon you will be seeing us for real!!

We had one day of great weather... we went boating, wake boarding and tubing. We were out until the sun went down and even Wanda got up on the wake board... So proud of her!! We woke up Tuesday morning to a beautiful day. We were on the boats until lunch having a blast. And then it ended!!!! The wind, oh that stupid wind! It ruined our vacation. It was blowing at a consistent 40 mph. Our campsite looked like we had been bombed!

We decided to take a little boat tour of the canyons to pass the time... hoping the wind would die down when we got back to camp. Mark stayed behind with Mason sleeping in the tent. We found a beautiful canyon and the wind was gone! Dan wanted to cliff jump so we found a "safe" cliff and he jumped. As he was swimming back to his boat I blurted out "I want to do it! Who will jump with me?" Ok... this is not me. I am chicken but for some reason I really wanted to do this. Taria and Heather said they would do it and soon everyone was up on the cliff jumping into the lake.

Yes I know... I should have left my shorts on instead of blinding all of you with my glowing white legs.

So this story ends sad... when we returned to camp it was still horrible. We scrambled to clean up, load the boats and get out before dark... everyone had had enough of the wind and blowing sand. We ended up driving home. The rest of the group stayed in a hotel and ended up having a nice day of boating the next day. So we should have stayed!!! Doesn't that always happen? Anyways... Thanks Harris' for letting us join you!


Anonymous said...

Nice hat Mark...