Saturday, June 21, 2008


Heidi gave me a copy of this letter she received from the Donor Services in April. I have debated whether I should post it on my blog. I decided if anything, it will let people know that my brother Dave is still a giving person even in his death. While you read... just imagine the smile on the faces of family as they found out they were about to receive an organ to save their loved ones life.
Dave your Amazing!

Dear Mrs. Kirby and Family,

On behalf of the staff of UVRMC and Intermountain Donor Services, may I extend to you and your family our sympathy in the recent loss of you husband, David. I appreciate your compassion and generosity in allowing his participation in the donor program during this very difficult time.

Although it cannot compensate for your loss, I hope you will find some comfort in knowing that through the gift of donation you and your family have brought new hope to many individuals awaiting transplants. I would also like to share with you a little about the recipients.

David's heart was given to a 65- year-old California man. He is retired from his job as a security guard and railroad worker. He enjoys coaching football. He is doing very well in his recovery.

The right kidney recipient is a 62-year-old man from Idaho. He is married and has six children. He worked in construction but now has his real estate license. He enjoys real estate, spending time with his children and grand children. He also enjoys outdoor activities. He is doing well.

The left kidney and pancreas were given to a 31-year-old Utah man. Unfortunately he experienced hyper-acute rejection prior to leaving the operation room so therefore both organs had to be removed immediately. He is doing well at this time and will be placed back on the list to receive another transplant.

The liver recipient is a 48-year-old man also from Utah. He owns his own flooring business and plays in a bluegrass band. He is doing well recovering at home.

The right lung was given to a 56-year-old woman from Colorado. She has three children and works as a secretary. She enjoys doing genealogy, listening to music and spending time with her grandchildren and dogs. She is doing well with her recovery.

A 63-year-old man also from Colorado is the recipient of the left lung. He is married and has two children. Prior to becoming ill, he worked for an airline company. He is doing well.

Words alone cannot express the love and gratitude of the recipients. These precious gifts have not only touched their lives but the lives of their families and friends as well. Thank You


Anonymous said...

What more can be added Jen?
You said it all, "Dave you are amazing".

May God bless all those who received Dave's gifts, with long healthy, second chances...