So i haven't updated in a few weeks.
I go through phases.
I was recently blog tagged by my friend Cindy which means I am supposed to write 6 things about me and post them to my blog then tag other people. It has been over 2 weeks and I still haven't come up with 3 things about me that are the least bit interesting. Sorry Cindy, I will keep thinking.
The biggest reason for my lack of blogging lately is blamed on books. I just finished a book last night and want to start the sequel tonight so I figure while Mason is napping and Jacob and Iree are playing with play dough... I would catch up a little on the blog. It wont happen tonight because I will be reading...
When I find a book I like, my free time is completely taken. A couple of nights ago I got the kids to bed then Mark and I talked for a couple of hours about various things, like we do most nights. He had to call Mark (yes another Mark... we know so many) and discuss the business they are creating. I noticed the book I had borrowed from my mom. I opened it and began to read... I finally stopped at 3:45 a.m. This has happened quite often in the last few years. I never knew how much I would enjoy reading. I honestly have only been reading for under 3 years. Yes, When I got my bachelors degree I had never read a book cover to cover!! Now... I would give anything to find a quiet moment to read.
So now you know... If I haven't posted for a few days, weeks, months... I must be reading.
What ya reading Jen?
I'm sure there are tons of interesting things about you Jen! I am the same way with books. That's why I am refusing to read anything right now because I know I need to be spending my free time on the basement and not reading right now. As soon as were done though I'll be coming to you to find out what great books you've been reading!
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