Friday, February 03, 2012

Starting off the New Year!

My little Mace Man was so sick... It is so hard to tell when he is because he is always so happy... he never complains.

I decided to take him in after two days of fever... they said he had strep so I got meds and of course took him skiing two days later... (I know, I am the worst mom) like I said... you can't tell when he doesn't feel well because he is so happy.

Over the weekend he wasn't getting better... he had a fever every time I let the meds run out so on Monday I took him in again. He had had a fever for 6 days even after being on antibiotics.

My doctor was super concerned...His oxygen was low... he was having an asthma attack and he was pretty sure he had pneumonia. They gave him a breathing treatment right then. He sent us to run a bunch of tests at Primary Children's... They took an x-ray of his chest and saw that it was pneumonia.

We had to go back to the doctors to get an antibiotic shot because of some alergies he has to certain meds. This is how he looked an hour later...

Great!!! After trying 4 different Antibiotics and too many other meds we finally got it settled... The sad part is the medicine we ended up with tasted like "POO" he had to take it 3 times a day for 10 days... he was such a trooper. He would almost puke every time he took it. I love this little guy and am so glad that he is doing better now.