Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ireland's Dance (Tap) Recital
She was a super excited...and a little nervous! The dance company she goes to is huge... they have tons of dance classes and that makes for a whole aditorium filled with eyes watching her... Not her favorite thing.

Show Time!!

And the big finish!

She did great!!! What a cutie!!!

So I learned a big lesson as a Mom (A Dance Mom that is)... I know most of you wouldn't have made this mistake but I Did!! Whoops! Big Whoops!

After the show... every girl, and I mean every little girl was holding a bouquet of flowers... As I was going to the back to get Iree after the show I was getting a little sick to my stomach, hoping she wouldn't notice I didn't have any to give her...
After I gave her a hug and told her how great she did she said, "Mom, why does everyone get flowers except for me?"

Ahh!!!! Ok, I feel like the worst mom of the year!!!

I told her we better hurry to the car because Daddy was taking us to go pick up her flowers... she smiled and was excited to go.

When we got to the car Mace said in a nice little voice, "Iree you did a good job." That made everyone smile.

Here they are... she loves them and put them in a vase in her room... I won't make that mistake again. I am a little air heady when it comes to this dance thing but I will never forget the flowers again... Never!!!

Here is her little number... she is to the right on the back row...


Anaika said...

Don't feel bad about the flowers. I learned that mistake last year. Somehow it didn't click with me until Maelyn's second year of dance that you need to bring flowers.