Monday, November 29, 2010
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Cards and Boggle...
Our cousin has a new little baby... I loved holding the little cutie and Iree wanted a turn also... Mace asked me a few times if we were taking her home... I think he was nervous watching me give so much attention to the baby... No worries Mace... your my baby!
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
We had Lasca with us for the weekend. The kids love having her around. Bend-a-rooo's are the best gym toy ever!
I love watching good volleyball...
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Posted by Jen 0 comments
I think I have expressed in the past my "love" (dislike) for Halloween... I think this one just confirmed my opinion of the holiday.
My week was crazy... Iree and Jacob each had 4 separate events they had to get dressed up and take candy to... Mace had 3. By Friday I was already sick of the costumes and so were the kids...
This picture is on Friday morning before school... Jacob instructed me that I needed to do it tighter this time because when he walked it got loose at the other parties he had been to... I started to wrap tight. I was running out of time and asked Iree to go wake dad up to help... when he got down Jacob was saying he didn't feel good... he then started to panic and say, "mom, cut it off!!! cut it off!!!" and then he passed out right into Mark's arms... I quickly took scissors and cut the whole thing off when he came to he puked all over my bare feet... did I mention I "love" Halloween.
Mark and I cleaned everything up and I threw the hours of sewing in the trash. He felt back to normal after he got some air and food... and luckily had a Bronco uniform that he could through on and head to school. No more Mummies!
Here is Iree at the school Halloween Parade...
The Bronco feeling better.
I failed to take pictures at the rest of the events but Mace was a viking...
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