Making the most of our
"Utah" Spring Break!!
So I woke up this morning a little depressed!!!
After all... just over a week ago we pulled out the shorts and got sunburns playing at the park.
I looked out the window and saw a snow covered world. I wanted to stay in my pj's read a book and keep the blinds closed.
Oh wait, I forgot, my kids are on Spring Break, they are ALL home, inside...
we should be doing something fun!
... lets make it a good day.
I got moving so I could fit in the morning "Power Pump" at Golds.
When we got home Mace wanted to go sledding so we pulled out all the snow stuff and headed out to the hill.
Iree and Mace had a blast making the first path through the snow.

Jacob and Mace started on a fort...

Iree made a few snow angels...
Iree also wanted a fort so I jumped in to help... oh wow... the perfect snow!!!! It isn't often that you get that great packing snow... I rolled and rolled and stacked...Iree, Mace and the little neighbor kids filled in the holes. It got taller and taller...
And taller...

And taller...

Until it was over their heads.
They were in heaven... they thought it was the coolest thing ever, they started making chairs and talking about sleeping and eating in there new home.
I remember I constantly made huts as a kid I always wanted a little snack to make it feel like home.
I went in to see what I could round up for like 20 neighbor kids.
I ended up dumping 3 different flavors of Hot Cocoa in a cooler and grabbing some graham crackers. Everyone loved it!
Then of course the boys wrecked it... 2 hours up, 2 seconds down!
Could I expect any less?
It really has turned out to be a fun "Spring" day.
I am glad I didn't decide to stay in my pj's and just read a book!