Who Needs Sleep?

Most mornings I wake up with bags under my eyes, shake Mark 5 times before he finally makes his way to the shower, pull on some baggy sweat pants and a t-shirt, oh and those pink glasses that no one is supposed to see and head down stairs to start my day.
Why do I do this to myself...
It would seem so much better to wake up early, be showered and dressed by the time the kids get up and have breakfast waiting as they came down the stairs. Ideal Right? But, not a reality in our house.
Mark and I have some habits... I am not going to say "bad habits" because I actually love these habits!
We never and I mean never go to bed before midnight...
I love spending time with my hubby and best friend... It could be 11:30 on a Tuesday night... One of us would say "We should probably go to bed." Then we snuggle up and start another episode of Lost or talk until we realize it is 2:00 am.
I wouldn't trade our time hanging-out for anything. We are two busy people but we always make a few hours to just chill.
So to answer the question "Who Needs Sleep?"
Not Me!
Not Mark!
Right now sleep seems to be a waist of time...
Others think we're crazy but we like it this way!

Most mornings I wake up with bags under my eyes, shake Mark 5 times before he finally makes his way to the shower, pull on some baggy sweat pants and a t-shirt, oh and those pink glasses that no one is supposed to see and head down stairs to start my day.
Why do I do this to myself...
It would seem so much better to wake up early, be showered and dressed by the time the kids get up and have breakfast waiting as they came down the stairs. Ideal Right? But, not a reality in our house.
Mark and I have some habits... I am not going to say "bad habits" because I actually love these habits!
We never and I mean never go to bed before midnight...
I love spending time with my hubby and best friend... It could be 11:30 on a Tuesday night... One of us would say "We should probably go to bed." Then we snuggle up and start another episode of Lost or talk until we realize it is 2:00 am.
I wouldn't trade our time hanging-out for anything. We are two busy people but we always make a few hours to just chill.
So to answer the question "Who Needs Sleep?"
Not Me!
Not Mark!
Right now sleep seems to be a waist of time...
Others think we're crazy but we like it this way!