Christmas MorningFor those of you who know Mark you know he is not a morning guy...(not even a little bit) Me on the other hand... I can't sleep past 8:00 am no matter what time I go to bed.
Mark told the kids they couldn't go down to see what Santa left until 7:00 am (he was being very generous)
So at 4:00am Jacob comes into my room and says, "Mom, I can't sleep anymore..." Normally I would have just told him to get a drink and go back to bed, but I felt bad for the kid... I remember those nights of anticipation... wondering what Santa left. So I went with him to his room and lay down in his bed. I was trying to keep him company and get a little more sleep at the same time. Every once in a while he would start talking about what he thought Santa left, or "Mom, are you sure he already came... I think I hear something.", and this was the best... "Mom, our neighbors are down opening their gifts and it is only 5:00... That's not fair." He was looking out his window at the neighbors across the street. Finally, slowly, the clock said 7:00 so I let them go wake up Dad.
Santa (upon suggestion from dad and a letter to Santa from the kids) wrapped his gifts this year. The kids loved that they had little presents to open in their stockings, and one from Santa under the tree.
We were waiting for Grandma and Grandpa to show up before we started opening.
Ireland with her stocking...

Jacob... about to pee his pants he is so excited.

And Mason, just couldn't wait... he started ripping open right away.

We had a great morning... I think the kids were all so happy with what Santa left. I was just enjoying the morning and didn't lift the camera again... so this is it.
Go Broncos!!Randy and Alex (Mark's bro and sis) Sent this picture to Mark on Christmas in there Jerseys... Mark, Jacob, and Mark's dad all got matching ones...
Too bad they just lost their last game... 8 more months until it starts again!