Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Jacob got the AT-TP Walker from The Clone Wars. He can fit 3 clones in the AT-TP and shoot missles at his remaining clones.
Iree got Baby Alive... It pees and cries and she absolutly loves it. She loves playing mommy.
Mason got a wooden train set. He loves anything with wheels!
Posted by Jen 0 comments
We spent Christmas Eve at my brother Andy's House. We did the traditional nativity scene and the kids loved it. We stayed late playing games and having fun.
We headed home about 11:30 and Jacob and Iree were so worried that Santa had already come. We checked the "Santa Tracker" online and it said he was still in Montana so the kids hurried to bed. It is so fun to see their excitement
Posted by Jen 0 comments
We had our Christmas Party at Heidi's house. We all slept over and had a blast. We stayed up laughing and talking until 2 a.m. and then crashed in various rooms of the house. The kids all slept on the floor downstairs.
Here are all the kids crashed out on the floor.
There are now 22 under 12 (It's getting a little crazy at these parties)
Grandma and Grandpa gave all the Grand kids new pajamas... they love having matching pj's with the cousins.
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Mason has had a rough two months. He has had a chronic ear infection and has been on several antibiotics (which scare me) but it just won't go away. The doctor suggested ear tubes and a adenoidectomy (removing the adenoid) something I didn't even know existed.
Dad is always great at explaining what is happening "Mace, they are going to put tubes in your ears... long ago they didn't put tubes in kids ears and kids were fine... oh yeah but back then lots of kids died... anyway you are going to be fine."
Always helpful :)
Posted by Jen 2 comments
It has been a mild fall... warm with no snow... but it is here now.
Posted by Jen 1 comments
I don't know about you but Sunday mornings are a little hectic at our house. It doesn't matter if we have church at 9:00 or 1:00 we are always rushing to get the cushoned bench seats instead of the metal chairs.
Jacob had the idea of swimming instead of separate showers/baths. That way no one gets a cold shower. The kids had fun and I got my hair done while they played. I had all kids and myself ready with an hour to spare...miracle!
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I have finally cleared my computer of thousands and thousands of pictures.
I took a break here and there to play around with a photo editing program so here are a few of my favorite ones. I am a little obsessed with Sepia plus a little color.

Posted by Jen 4 comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

So I was doing a little work in the office (my room) and when I came out Iree had Mason dressed up in her ballet leotard. They were doing gymnastics and I just had to take a picture.
When Jacob got home from school his face turned red and he was saying "Mom! take it off him... he looks like a little girl!"
Well, while looking through pictures I found this... So... Mason is not the only little boy to dress up... I knew this picture would come in handy some day. :)

Posted by Jen 2 comments
Saturday, December 06, 2008
My friend Melissa is a photographer starting up... She did a great job and is trying to get some business... check her out at Missy Lee Photography.

Posted by Jen 5 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
This is the best news in the WORLD!!!
Claire A. Kirby
Born Dec. 3rd
Todd and Anna
brought home their new baby girl today!!!

I just have to say...
For those of you who don't know Todd and Anna... let me fill you in! They have been married for almost 10 years (I think) They adopted Nate just over 4 years ago... he is great, full of energy and very happy. They put their papers in for another child quite awhile ago and now here she is... This little baby Claire has no idea how blessed she is coming into a home like this!!
Todd my brother is great... He is fun, smart, humble, and a hero to many. He has been through a lot in his life and keeps on going... with a good attitude. He works hard for his family. I look up to him in so many ways. He is a great guy with a great family. He is an awesome dad to Nate and I know Claire is going to love her daddy too. Love You Todd!!!
Now Anna, She is amazing. Me describing her wont do her justice. She is giving, thoughtful, smart, funny, friendly, loving, stylish, and an awesome mom. She handles our "odd" family perfectly. She has been the person we all turn to in any medical situation... During my mom's heart attack she calmed us and explained what was happening so we could understand. She did the same through my brother Dave's tragedy. She put stitches in my foot and in Jacob's head. She gives me advice on the books I read and I love them all, she helps me think of decoration ideas and colors because she just has that gift. Anna gives, and gives, and gives to everyone that knows her. She is great. How lucky these two little kids are to have such a wonderful person as their mom. I love you Anna and wish you the best!!
And also a heartfelt thanks to Claire's birth mom who choose to give her child a wonderful life.
Wow, what a great day!
Posted by Jen 1 comments