Friday, October 31, 2008
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ballet Class Halloween Party
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by Jen 4 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Posted by Jen 3 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
They are an awesome new band check them out.
Thriving Ivory
Benton Paul opened for Thriving Ivory. He is a local kid from Highland and he was very good. Overall the music for the night was great.
We had a few other exciting things happen... while waiting in a line with a thousand people we were talking and laughing and out of the blue I was pummeled in the head with ice!!! Someone drove by and threw a large Wendy's cup of ice water out the window... and it had to hit us!!!! It hit Mark in the shoulder and then bounced right onto my head... Heather and I started laughing hysterically and we just had to get pictures... I heard the people behind us say, "If I was her I would be so mad!!" Chill out people... life is funny! I always like a good laugh even if it is at my expense!
Tickets $10.00 (killer deal thanks to 101.9 the end)
Water $3.00 (no drinking fountain)
Baby sitter $33.00 (gets more spendy each year)
Parking Ticket $45.00 (just plain stupid on our part)
Lots of laughs $Priceless
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Posted by Jen 3 comments
10:30 p.m
8 lbs. 5 oz
23 in
Congrats Michelle!!!
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Spencer David Perry
Oct. 10 2008
10:30 p.m
8 lbs. 5 oz
23 in
This is my sister Michelle's #5. She has had every one all natural... yes she is a lot tougher than me. She had him at home with a midwife. Every thing went great and a lot faster than her other deliveries. I don't have a picture yet but as soon as I get one I will post it.
This makes 22 grand kids under 12 years old.
Congrats Michelle!!!
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We have finally figured out how to get our videos going!!
This is Mason on the 24th of July in Mapleton. Sweet rhythm.
Posted by Jen 2 comments

Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Posted by Jen 3 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2008
This is our family's word for "bedhead." Mason woke up with a pretty nice one because we slept the last 4 hours of the night on the couch! Ugh!!! I just had to take a picture and explain.
My dad's name is Joseph... He has a "Joseph" 24/7. Ok, maybe not the moment he steps out of the shower and combs it down with his ancient brush. It stays down until it dries and whammo the hair on the top/back of his head sticks straight up. He knows we call it this and laughs with us.
Posted by Jen 3 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
We missed you Michelle!!!
Michelle lives in Idaho and is about to pop any second... She was actually due last Saturday and nothing has happened so far... Hopefully labor is starting as I type.
We have decided that around each of our birthday's we will go out with no kids or husbands... just the sisters.
It has taken a lot of work from all of us to overcome our "social issues" and actually be true sisters. I feel like the last little while I have become so much closer to each of them. I have always loved them but now I can actually tell them with out feeling awkward. We had a great time and they didn't put up too much fuss when I made them pose for a picture. (I fear people are getting sick of my camera)
You know you are absorbed in hilarious conversation when you say "tampon" way too loud and you see heads turn in your direction. It is so great to be close and share our lives with each other.
What other set of sisters can put together a volleyball team and kick some serious butt!
I love you guys!
Thanks for a great night out!
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Monday, October 06, 2008
The kids and I went to pick out pumpkins... we had a great time playing in the pumpkin field, in the wheelbarrow and going through the corn maze. I put a ton of pictures on... I just couldn't decide which ones to post... enjoy.
Posted by Jen 2 comments

This is my new favorite group for the month... This is their music playing now... It took me a few tries before I really liked it... but now I like almost every song on the CD. He has a very unique voice that I like. Mark got some cheap tickets to their concert next weekend. Wow another date night... I love it! I am a music nut... I have to have something playing all of the time so I just thought I would let you all know what I listen to lately at home and in the car.
Posted by Jen 0 comments
Saturday, October 04, 2008
"Mark McNees, you wont believe it but here.... is... The Best and Most Amazing Brazilian you ever known in your life!!!"
Posted by Jen 1 comments
Fall Leaves
We took a little drive up the canyon today... we wanted to take family pictures but it was raining so we just went for a drive. It was beautiful... we will do pictures next weekend so hopefully we will have blue skies and no rain.
Posted by Jen 1 comments
We have a lot of constrution going on around us. A few days ago they started digging the foundation for a home across the street. I usually get anoyed with the loud noise that goes on all day... but not today! I had a house to deep clean and these trucks kept Mason busy for more than an hour... no kidding, he watched out the window and would say, "dump it" , "truck dump it!" Here is what I got done...
Toy reduction!!!,
Cleaned out the fridge,
magic erasered my walls that had crayon on them,
and I even read a few pages from my book. All before we had to go pick up Iree from pre-school.
Posted by Jen 3 comments
Heather and I constructed a clone cake...good thing about 7 year olds... they could totally see the clone we created. When my mom came the next day she looked at the cake and said, "Oh, what is that... a rocket?"
Posted by Jen 1 comments