Dave and Cullen's Wedding
in Colorado

Mark, Alex (Mark's Sister), Dave (Mark's Step-Dad), Cullen and Michael (Cullen's Son)

Family Picture... The kids were about pictured out at this point but I couldn't pass up the beautiful background.

My cute kids all smiling at the same time... Miracle!

Okay, I think this is my favorite picture!!!
Look at my handsome boys.

Iree was the flower girl. She was actually throwing confetti. She has been excited for weeks. When her moment came she was a little shy and it took some coaxing from the audience to get her to walk down the isle. Afterward she had no problem acting for some pictures. I was at the top of the stairs helping the kids know when to go so I didn't get a picture of Jacob as the ring bearer. He was very handsome (not cute as he would remind me) I will have to get the picture from Dave.

The wedding was at the Perry Park Country Club. It was a beautiful setting and great food. As a wedding reception is not the ideal place for 3 little kids, I spent most of dinner and the toasting outside trying to keep the kids busy. They were getting tired and I was exhausted from keeping them quiet. We were about to leave and they turned on the music for dancing... Iree and Mason started to groove! Mason was the highlight... dancing with all the cute girls and ladies googleing over him. An hour or so later... 11:00 I had to drag a kicking and screaming Mason from the dance floor. He did not want to leave and even after he had changed into his pajamas for the ride home he slipped back out onto the dance floor for one more dance. We all had a blast!
Congrats Dave and Cullen!