Friday, June 20, 2008

Saturday Morning Project

Jacob had a set of bunk beds at our old house. When we moved I didn't set them up because I wanted to sand them down and re-paint them. Just one of the hundreds of projects waiting to be completed. You know those mornings where you wake up with a list of tasks and really think you can accomplish it all in one Saturday. I always seem to over look the fact that I am still a mom on Saturdays. They still need food, diapers changed, noses wiped, hair done, and the constant" mom can you get me this." In my mind this task should have been completed with a few coats in a few hours but the project dragged on for a few days. Lets face it... kids are a little sloppy! I spent most of my time smoothing out the drips and the scrapes as each of them tried to perfect the art of painting. I took a deep breathe and decided to let them help... they were having a blast. It didn't turn out perfect... if you look close the brush strokes go in every direction and drips have dried in areas I didn't catch but they had fun.