Home Grown
Always Tastes Better

Iree picking peas... not many make it home.
Because we don't have much spare yard space for a garden we have a spot at the community gardens. It is very close to our house and has been a fun activity for me and the kids. For a while I thought my first attempt was going to fail but after some advice and miracle grow from my dad... everything is thriving.

This is our first tomato... I can't wait
for Mason and Iree to devour it... they are
both tomato maniacs!

Here it is... I know it is small but I don't think I could manage much more right now. We have peas, yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, yellow onions, red onions, cilantro, jalapeƱo peppers, red peppers , green peppers and corn. I just discovered that my corn wont work with one row because it has to cross pollinate so I guess it is just for looks.