Jacob couldn't wait for the reptile house. He loves the snakes and all the creepy crawly things.
Jacob and Averie looking nice!
Hang with us for a Moment.
Jacob couldn't wait for the reptile house. He loves the snakes and all the creepy crawly things.
Jacob and Averie looking nice!
Posted by Jen McNees 0 comments
These boys are all monkey; anything that looks like it can be climbed... they climb.
Jacob making mud balls from the stream.
Posted by Jen McNees 0 comments
Ireland and Joseph sitting in the grass.
Jacob and Grandpa Brink; Jacob got soaking wet so Grandpa carried him home.
Posted by Jen McNees 0 comments
Jacob jumped right in with demolition!
The first wall went up and Mark is making sure it is in right.
Posted by Jen McNees 0 comments